Year 6
Teachers: Miss Rimmer and Mrs Hyde
Learning Support Assistant: Mrs Frost and Mrs Murray
Topics covered this year
We expect children to be reading at home every day and they should arrive in school with a signed reading record for us to check.
We do not have weekly spelling tests, however your child might be sent home with word lists to practice throughout the year.
Children are encouraged to practise their times tables using TTRS.
6H have PE on Mondays and Wednesdays. 6R have PE on Wednesdays and Fridays. On these days we expect all children to have their PE kits in school with their hair tied back.
Snack Time
The Government only provides free fruit or vegetables for children in Reception, Years 1 and 2. We highly recommend that Year 6 parents/carers send their child to school with their own fruit or vegetable, enabling them to eat this during the morning. When sending this in, please ensure that it is clearly labelled.
We encourage the drinking of water throughout the day and we ask for your child to bring in a named water bottle.
In line with our Homework Policy, Year 6 children are given homework books for English and maths. Homework is assigned every Friday and is due back in school by the following Wednesday.
The Year 6 team